Delighted to meet you, Lachesis MCIL DIPTRANS RPSI DPSI CL.

Experienced Portuguese interpreter and certified translator. Language Quality Assessor for the Ministry of Justice of the UK. Portuguese teacher at the University of Westminster and Associate Lecturer at the London Metropolitan University. from Brazil and based in London

CIOL: MCIL / CL #58360

Police Approved Interpreter and Translator #10514

Professional Indemnity and Personal Liability insurances at £5mi

NRPSI: Full RPSI #17533

PROZ: Certified Pro

Enhanced DBS on the update service

Contact details

Phone number/Whatsapp: +44 (0) 7846062910

A bit about me

  • A translator and interpreter with a background in law. I am a court & conference interpreter and certified translator

    Additionally, I teach Portuguese at The University of Westminster and Portuguese Translation at London Metropolitan University.

    I started my career in interpreting and translation back in 2012 in my beautiful hometown of Belo Horizonte/MG, Brazil where I’d been teaching English since I was 19. In 2018, eager to explore new avenues of my personal and professional life, I moved to the United Kingdom.

    I eventually wound up in cosmopolitan London, where I’ve had ample opportunities to fulfil my passion for building bridges instead of walls between cultures.

  • I act as a certified translator and court, police & conference interpreter remotely (consecutive and RSI) and face-to-face (consecutive, simultaneous and whispered).

    On top of that, I train other interpreters for the DPSI Law exams, teach Portuguese at the University of Westminster and work as an associate lecturer at London Metropolitan University.

  • I hold the following UK linguist qualifications

    CELTA B (level 5)

    DPSI Law (level 6 - pass)

    Diptrans (level 7): units 1 (merit) and 2 (merit) and unit 3 (pass).

    I have also completed two conference interpreting trainings at Interpreter i2B in Brazil and at The Glendon College of The University of York in Toronto, in Canada.

    On top of formal training, I am a very personable, discreet professional who has a passion for empowering people, learning and sharing ideas, which I consider essential in my work.

    (You can learn more about my credentials here)